Finchester Mystery Houses Useless Links
Including what youve all been raving for:
Nifty Interactive Ways to Waste Time
Nifty Time-Wasting Tests and Quizzes
Clever Ways to Waste Time Viewing the Same Web Site Over and Over Obsessively
Spiffy Ways to Waste Your Friends' Time, Too
Just Plain Useless
Nifty Interactive Ways to Waste Time
What does your phone number spell?
Silicon Valley Tarot Page Read the cards and laugh or have your questions answered
Trendy Magic - Interactive Style
Country & Western song lyric writer's kit
Psychic Chicken Even more gonzo question answering
The Infinitely Magic Ball
Main Sanitary Nag (Anagram Insanity; might not longer exist?)
Nifty Time-Wasting Tests and Quizzes
IQ test You need to ask?--you're spending time here
The [infamous] Nerdity Test! Like this really needed to be online
Keirsey Temperament Sorter What personality type are you? Do you really want to know?
Kingdomality Personal Preference Profile Think you'd make a good king? Wenceslaus?
Online Depression Screening Test Note the depressing blue color
Test Junkie More tests than you can shake a browser at
Clever Ways to Waste Time Viewing the Same Web Site Over and Over Obsessively
Babelfish Go here and type "http://www.finchester.org"
Inchesterfay Ysterymay Ousehay (or translate your own page 11/02: I've found links to 3 more other pig-latin sites, dated March '01, and none of 'em exist any more. Still looking...)
Spiffy Ways to Waste Your Friends Time, Too
The Electronic Postcard Rack
Marshmallow Bunnies The latest research on methods of destruction
The Annals of Improbable Research Worth exploring
Center for the Easily Amused Too much useless stuff to describe! See for yourself! That's why you're looking here, isn't it?
Hell Totally pointless. Go look.
Jeebus's Lobster Station Still totally pointless
Useless WWW Pages What are you waiting for? Go surf!
the ONION If you like the Finchester Holiday Letter, you'll like this
Last updated: Nov 20, 2002
Stop wasting my time!